Monday, February 27, 2012

Go The F***k To Sleep, The Lullaby

I'm sure by now most of you have heard of the children's bedtime story book, "Go the Fuck to Sleep." If you haven't, you're in for a treat and, no please don't call social services, it's not actually meant to read to children, it's tongue and cheek. Ya know, for adults!! ....okay, maybe don't. Actually lots of peeps didn't get the joke. Just check out the review section for the book on

I first heard about the book on an NPR review and couldn't stop laughing, but I don't really feel like buying it since it really has only one joke...and I got it already. Maybe I'll give it another go when the kids start poppin' on out.

However, I love the new version of the King of Expletives himself, Samuel L. Jackson reading the audio version of our children's bedtime tale! And as if that weren't freaking awesome enough, someone has remixed it to song!

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